by Ashit Gajbhiye | May 14, 2021 | News
It is with immense delight that the Newsletter Committee, IEEE Bombay Section, announces the official release of the Volume 2, Second Issue of “In The Loop” the quarterly newsletter of the IEEE Bombay Section. Fabricated with an aim to cluster the...
by Nikita Sarode | Mar 8, 2021 | News
Dear Members, I am happy to share with you all, the new 2021 Execom of your Section. Some more (vacant) positions will be filled soon. Additionally, some senior volunteers will be invited to take up organisational roles for the TENSYMP2022 and other major events of...
by Ashit Gajbhiye | Jan 31, 2021 | News
Dear Members, It is with immense delight that the Newsletter Committee, IEEE Bombay Section, announces the official release of the second edition of its quarterly newsletter ‘In the Loop’. Fabricated with an aim to cluster the multitude of developments in the field of...
by Nikita Sarode | Jan 17, 2021 | News
Dear R10 EXCOM members, Section and Council Chairs, It is our pleasure to release the first issue of IEEE Region 10 Newsletter for 2021. The attached newsletter can be opened with any postscript file (PDF format) reader. You can also navigate the newsletter content...
by Ashit Gajbhiye | Jan 11, 2021 | News
Dear Member, On behalf of the 2021 Nominations Committee, I would like to invite your expression of interest to serve as an office-bearer for IEEE Bombay Section for the year 2021. Note: The revised by-laws were approved in the recent SGM and hence there is a...