Language: English

Bombay Section awarded TENSYMP 2022 Flagship Conference

Please, visit Tensymp 2022 website – http://ieee-bombay.local/tensymp2022/ Dear Esteemed Region 10 Section Chairs and Council Chairs, On behalf of 2020 R10 Conference and Technical Seminar Committee, we are pleased to announce the Sections that have been awarded...

Execoms and Call for Volunteers – 2021

Dear Members, I am happy to share with you all, the new 2021 Execom of your Section. Some more (vacant) positions will be filled soon. Additionally, some senior volunteers will be invited to take up organisational roles for the TENSYMP2022 and other major events of...

Student-YP Joint Activity Fund 2021

Dear IEEE Young Professionals Leaders, With the intention to improve Young Professionals (YP) and students collaboration within the section level, IEEE R10 Young Professionals would like to call for the Young Professional Affinity Groups of each section to Submit...

IEEE Region 10 Newsletter – January 2021 published

Dear R10 EXCOM members, Section and Council Chairs, It is our pleasure to release the first issue of IEEE Region 10 Newsletter for 2021. The attached newsletter can be opened with any postscript file (PDF format) reader. You can also navigate the newsletter content...

Shri Pralhad P. Chhabria Awards 2021

“Shri Pralhad P. Chhabria Awards 2021” and we request applications for these  prestigious awards from the eligible women scientists and Engineers of your IEEE section. Hope Foundation in association with the IEEE India Council and Women In Engineering...