Language: English

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Discussion – 



Bombay Section awarded TENSYMP 2022 Flagship Conference

Please, visit Tensymp 2022 website – http://ieee-bombay.local/tensymp2022/

Dear Esteemed Region 10 Section Chairs and Council Chairs,

On behalf of 2020 R10 Conference and Technical Seminar Committee, we are pleased to announce the Sections that have been awarded to host the 2022 R10 flagship conferences:

·         TENCON 2022 – awarded to Hong Kong Section

·         TENSYMP 2022 – awarded to Bombay Section

·         R10 HTC 2022 – awarded to Hyderabad Section

The committee would like to thank all the Sections that have expressed their interests in hosting the R10 flagship conferences and putting in tremendous efforts to submit the proposals. 

Your participation is greatly appreciated and we hope your Section will continue to bid when the next opportunity arises.

We look forward to your support to the upcoming 2021 and 2022 R10 flagship conferences.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Ong

2019-2020 R10 Conference and Technical Seminar Committee Chair




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