by Nikita Sarode | Jan 17, 2021 | Contests
“Shri Pralhad P. Chhabria Awards 2021” and we request applications for these prestigious awards from the eligible women scientists and Engineers of your IEEE section. Hope Foundation in association with the IEEE India Council and Women In Engineering...
by Mukund Sathe | Sep 3, 2020 | News
IEEE Region 10 continues to nurture and develop strong awards and recognitions program to promote outstanding volunteer services and contributions. The R10 Award and Recognition Committee (ARC) and the Activity /Program Committee Chairs have worked...
by Mukund Sathe | Apr 25, 2020 | Contests
Each year, the IEEE R10 Women in Engineering (WIE) takes initiatives to provide various values for IEEE members and societies in Asia Pacific Region (R10) and promote achievements of women engineers/professionals. IEEE R10 WIE strongly supports and encourages the...