by Linesh Patil | Jun 18, 2021 | News
For the R10 SAC Call for Proposals under Membership Development and Leadership Training Funds, the IEEE Bombay SAC team had submitted a proposal for SMELT( Section Membership Enhancement and Leadership Training) 2.0. IEEE Bombay SAC has...
by Mukund Sathe | Sep 3, 2020 | News
IEEE Region 10 continues to nurture and develop strong awards and recognitions program to promote outstanding volunteer services and contributions. The R10 Award and Recognition Committee (ARC) and the Activity /Program Committee Chairs have worked...
by Mukund Sathe | Jul 29, 2020 | News
The proposal “SMELT(Section Membership Enhancement & Leadership Training) – Bombay Section” was submitted by Mr. Kiran Talele (Past SAC Chair) and Mr. Shubham Gupta (SAC Secretary) and is approved by R10 SAC Membership Development and Leadership...
by Mukund Sathe | Jun 8, 2020 | Contests
IEEE R10 Industry Relations Committee Student and Early Researcher Conference Fund (SERCF) (Deadline: August 15, 2020) IEEE R10 Industry Relations Committee (IRC) Student and Early Researcher Conference Fund (SERCF) is willing to offer financial...
by Mukund Sathe | May 11, 2020 | Contests
Sent on Behalf of IEEE R10 Director, Prof. Akinori Nishihara Dear Council/Section/Subsection Chairs, Prof. Toshio Fukuda, IEEE President, asked to start a new project to make short courses in local languages for students at all levels (primary, secondary, high school,...