Language: English

Which is the most visited IEEE Indian entity home page?

Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 Sir/ Madam, I have done a preliminary analysis of the web statistics for the IEEE Indian entities which are hosting their web pages on IEEE sites. Statistics period: Analysed requests from Mon-22-Nov-1999 09:41 to Mon-03-Jul-2000 22:11 (224.5...

Team from IIT Bombay

Team from IIT Bombay with Prof. U.B. Desai as Mentor won theMicrosoft Innovation Award of the IEEE Computer Society’s International Design Competition 2001 IIT Bombay receives Microsoft Innovation Award at IEEE CSIDC 2001 The finals for Second Annual Computer...

IEEE Award

IEEE AP/ED Bombay Chapter has been awarded the 2001 Chapter of the Year Award by the IEEE Electron Devices Society, out of a total of 103 chapters world-wide. Congratulations to the IEEE AP/ED Bombay Chapter office-bearers for 2001: Girish Kumar, Chair V. Ramgopal...

Region 10 Outstanding Volunteer Award for the year 2001

Our Life Senior Member Mr. H. Kalyanasundaram (popularly known as HK) has been selected as one of the four recipients of the Region 10 Outstanding Volunteer Award for the year 2001. HK, 81, has been with IEEE since 1973. A Power Engineer by profession, he retired from...

Comparative Growth Of Section

Comparative Growth of Sections in India / IC /Region 10  World wide in 12 month period                   30-Apr-02   30-Apr-03   HG Students Total   HG Students Total Loss/gain% Bangalore 966 1063 2029 1019 405 1424...