Language: English

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IEEE Bombay Section’s Young Professional Industrial Visit

IEEE Bombay Section and IEEE Bombay Section Young Professionals Affinity Group has organised Industrial Visit (IV) to Mahindra Vehicle Manufacturers Ltd Chakan. Registration fee for the visit are as follows

For IEEE Student Members Rs. 1,000/-
For Non-IEEE Student Members Rs. 1,500/-

Above charges are inclusive of taxes, transportation, breakfast and lunch.  

Registration open only till 6th July 2016 or maximum 80 students only whichever is earlier.  Fees once paid is not refundable.

A Parent Consent Form would be required from the Parent’s of the Student who is registering for the Industrial Visit.  The form will be made available shortly here which needs to be scanned/photographed and email to YP Co-ordinator before 6th July 2016.  The hard copy needs to be submitted before departure on 9th July.

Please, register at

Followings are the Do’s and Don’ts. 
  1. Please register at gate & obtain Visitors Badge. 
  2. Please declare your belongings at the gate like – Laptops, Camera, Pen drive etc
  3. All should be wearing shoes while entering plant premises.
  4. Please ensure the badge is prominently displayed. This will help easy recognition and avoid embracement. 
  5. You along with vehicle will be checked by security, your cooperation will be appreciated.
  6. Photography -strictly prohibited inside plant.

General safety rules for Visit

  1. We are  in  “No smoking” site.
  2. Keep all your belongings – Laptop, Camera, Mobiles etc in the bus.
  3. Dress code for plant visit is Uniform or Western formals –  preferred.
  4. Do not  talk on cell phone while walking on shop floors.
  5. Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) in respective areas.
  6. Be alert for moving vehicles at all times.
  7. Stay to one side of the aisle to minimize interference with moving vehicles.
  8. Do not enter restricted areas.
  9. Always use handrails when ascending / descending stairways.
  10. Do not  operate any machinery or equipment.




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