Language: English


IEEE Bombay Section has always been fortunate to have dedicated volunteers.  The efforts of these volunteers have been recognized by IEEE HQ as well as at others levels.  We are thankful for their contribution as well as all those nameless volunteers and hope to continue the same in future.


  1. BOMBAY SECTION – 1998 RAB Section Award for Membership Growth (Certificate)
  2. QURAISH BAKIR – 1998 RAB Section Award for Membership Growth (Certificate)
  3. ATINDRA BANERJEE – 2010-2013 Appreciation of services to Life Member Affiliation Group (Certificate)
  4. SHASHIKANT PATIL  – IEEE DAY 2014 Ambassador Regional Lead (Certificate)
  5. ATINDRA BANERJEE / Bombay Section – 2015 Membership Retention Award (Certificate)
  6. VINIT KOTAK  / Bombay Section – 2015 Membership Retention Award (Certificate)
  7. SHASHIKANT PATIL  –  IEEE DAY 2015 Ambassador Regional Lead (Certificate)
  8. B. SATYANARAYANA  –  IEEE MGA Achievement Award 2016
  9. SHASHIKANT PATIL  –  IEEE DAY 2016 Ambassador Regional Lead (Certificate)
  10. SHASHIKANT PATIL  –  Volunteer as Jury for AIYEHUM Challenge 2016 (Certificate)
  11. SEEMA B KAWALE –  IEEE DAY 2016 Day Ambassador (Certificate)