by Linesh Patil | May 20, 2021 | News
Congratulations to all the participants of the SIGHT Day Trivia Challenge; we have a number of new experts on HAC/SIGHT information! Those who participated in the challenge and submitted the correct response to all questions were entered in a raffle for SIGHT...
by Mukund Sathe | Jan 18, 2019 | Contests
Greetings from IEEE R10 Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) for the year of 2019-2020. I would like to encourage you and the leading volunteers in your section to support the Humanitarian and Sustainable Development Activities (such as IEEE SIGHT as...
by Mukund Sathe | Oct 14, 2018 | Alerts
Dear Members . Kindly participate with SIGHT activities project to contribute yourself for betterment for Society . The last date of project submission date has been extended till 15th Oct 2018. A reminder that IEEE HAC and IEEE SIGHT Projects proposals are due...
by Mukund Sathe | Jul 7, 2018 | News
A proposal from IEEE DBIT Student Branch to IEEE HAC has been accepted for funding of $5174.25. The funding is for IEEE HAC events on: ” Inculcating Healthy and Sustainable Menstrual Hygiene Practices Among the Tribal Woman of...
by Mukund Sathe | May 5, 2018 | Contests
Updated Information on 2018 Funding Opportunities The IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) is pleased to provide updated information on its 2018 funding opportunities. Please see below for three different funding programs and their...