Dear Bombay Section Members,
We have just been notified by IEEE MGA staff, on-behalf of the R10 Director, that all the elected Officer Bearers, i.e. Chair (and Chair-elect), Secretary and Treasurer have been suspended with effect from tomorrow (Sep 27th).
We thank you for your support till date in betterment of the Section and hope that you will continue to extend the same to the Interim Committee. We will cooperate with the new committee so as to ensure minimum disruptions to the ongoing and planned section activities.
We, the Office Bearers, will pursue all the options available with us against this ex-parte decision taken by the Region 10 & MGA.
Thank you once again!
Anand Suhas Gharpure, Chair till 26.09.2023
Saurabh Mehta, Secretary till 26.09.2023
Kiran TALELE, Treasurer till 26.09.2023