The proposal “SMELT(Section Membership Enhancement & Leadership Training) – Bombay Section” was submitted by Mr. Kiran Talele (Past SAC Chair) and Mr. Shubham Gupta (SAC Secretary) and is approved by R10 SAC Membership Development and Leadership Training (MDLT) Fund 2020.
The purpose of the fund is to persuade sections/student branches to organize events for training on leadership, successful execution of student branch program and to run membership drives, aiming to enhance student membership number and its retention.
Winners in no particular order:
1. Pune Section Student Young Professionals Women In Engineering Congress (PSYWC 2020) – Pune Section
2. IEEE Leadership Insight (ILI) – Madras Section
3. IEEE Malaysia Leadership Training Workshop – Malaysia Section
4. Accelerating Membership Development Drive and Leadership Training Programs at NITAP IEEE SB – Vizag Bay Section
5. IGen2020- Hyderabad Section
6. Renaissance- Kerala Section
7. Volunteer – Lead – Achieve Mission 2020- Bangalore Section
8. Advocating Post-COVID-19 Development in Student Membership Recruitment and Retention to Nurture Future Leaders for the IEEE Hong Kong Section and IEEE Worldwide- Hong Kong Section
9. SMELT(Section Membership Enhancement & Leadership Training) – Bombay Section
10. IEEE Melbourne Membership Development Drive – Victorian Section
11. Leaders hackathon – Islamabad Section
12. IEEE Bangladesh Section Student Membership & Leadership Summit – Bangladesh Section
13. Induction Program/ IEEE Virtual Boot Camp- Uttar Pradesh Section
14. IEEE Boost- Sri Lanka Section
15. English Course in IEEE ITB Student Branch – Indonesia Section