Membership Statistics
H Kalyanasundaram1. Comparative growth of membership during the 12 month period 30th April 2002 and 30th April 2003for all Sections in India, IC, Region 10 and worldwide.
2. The Top 10 Sections in the world in total membership ,as of 31 Dec 2002. ( the 11th. Section was Philedelphia(5451) and the 12th. was Madras 5240).
3. The Top 10 Sections in the world in Student strength , as of 31 Dec 2002. ( kerala with 851 was 12th. and Delhi with 802 was 16th.)
4. As of 30th April 03 after arrears were flagged, the top 10 sections in total membership in our Region: 1.Tokyo- 6836, 2. Bombay -4906, 3. Hongkong- 2732, 4. Singapore- 2707, 5. Taipei- 2525, 6. Beijing-2333, 7. N S Wales-2148, 8. Seoul-1987 ,9, Madras- 1948 and 10. Kansai-1899. ( you will note Tokyo have wrenched the #1 position from Bombay with 1930 lead).