Dear All
You already know that IEEE has that IEEE is offering 50% Discount on Student Membership, please find below details published in ‘IEEE MD Monthly Report – November 2020’.
IEEE BoD Approves 50% Discount on Student Membership
In response to the student membership decline, the IEEE Board of Directors approved an extraordinary discount on student membership dues during its November meeting. The intent of action is to provide relief to students whose student branch experience has been compromised, stem the decline in student membership, and fuel student branch activity once there is more normalcy.
Effective as of this writing any new or renewing student member can use a special promotion code FUTURE50 to receive 50% off their IEEE student membership dues. The FUTURE50 discount initiative will be a multi-year effort, supported by a comprehensive social media campaign that will roll out in the next month. The first major communication of the discount will go to unrenewed student members in mid-December. In addition, there will be tools created for use at the Section and Region-level to help spread awareness of the offer. Any student who has already joined or renewed at full price and would like to take advantage of the discount may get a refund toward next year’s renewal by reaching out to the Contact Center.
Student members are the pipeline to professional members, and swift action is needed this year to offset future losses. We strongly encourage all membership development officers worldwide to assist in communicating this exciting and critically important initiative to their student members.
Best regards,
Deepak Mathur
Director – Elect 2019-2020
IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific)
IEEE – “Fostering technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity”