Dear Members,
Hope you and your dear ones are safe and sound in this tough times. I am Hitesh Mehta, Membership development chair of IEEE Bombay section. I am sending this email to get in touch with you for your important feedback and suggestions.
You have renewed your membership and continue to be an IEEE member, that shows you see some value in it. However, as a local section, its important to know your wish list, as far as membership benefits are concerned. Please write to us that what we can do for you, which shall give more value to your membership?
I am also looking forward few volunteers, who can contribute some time every week to support Membership Development activities. If you are interested, pl do write to me as soon as possible.
For members, who have more than 10 years of experience and who think they are eligible to be elevated to Senior membership- please do write to me with credentials and if you are eligible, section will support you to get senior membership quickly.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward responses from you.
Best Regards
Hitesh Mehta
Chair, Membership Development Committee
IEEE Bombay Section