Announcing the K. Shankar Meritorious Paper Awards
Prof. K. Shankar is a tireless, selfless and one of the most illustrious volunteers of IEEE. He served the Bombay Section in various capacities, including as the Section Secretary as well as the Treasurer of TENCON1989.
The Section is proud to announce K. Shankar Meritorious Paper Awards for its members (the first author’s membership must be active at the time of publishing the paper).
- The awards are given under two Categories – namely for the (1). Journal papers and (2). Conference Proceedings and four of them under each Category, i.e. (a). undergraduate and (b). postgraduate students as well as (c). doctoral and (d). industry professionals.
- Originality, technical content, clarity of presentation, impact and relevance of the topic will be the basis for judging the papers/proceedings.
- In case of papers being nominated, they should be published in a Journal during the Calendar year 2020.
- In case of proceedings being nominated, the corresponding Conference should have been held during the Calendar year 2020 and the Proceedings must have been published at the time of nomination.
- The decision of the Jury is final and binding on the nomination.
The last date for self-nomination for the awards is May 10, 2021. The awards will be declared by May 31, 2021.
Registration/Nomination link:
Please refer to the K. Shankar Award Poster and Guidelines document on the IEEE Bombay Section’s webpage (http://ieee-bombay.local/) or contact Dr. Mohan Aware ( for more details.
