Dear Student Branch Chapter Raisoni College of Engineering,
It is my great pleasure to inform that you have been selected to receive the 2022 IEEE CIS Outstanding Chapter award with the citation “For the innovative and wide range of diverse and inclusive activities which connect research, education and industry in the field of computational intelligence.”
On behalf of IEEE CIS Awards Committee, I would like to sincerely congratulate your chapter for this prestigious and highly deserving honor. The award includes an honorarium of US$2,000 plus a certificate. I would also like to warmly thank Mr. Atharva Deolalikar for taking the initiative to assemble a strong nomination package to recognize your chapter’s accomplishments.
I would like to refer you to the CIS Awards Webpage at https://cis.ieee.org/getting-involved/awards for additional details about the award and past recipients. Please be in contact with Mrs. Jo-Ellen Snyder at j.e.snyder@ieee.org regarding your choice of CIS-sponsored conference in 2022 where you would like to be recognized, the pandemic situation permitting.
In closing, allow me to congratulate your chapter once again and wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
With my best regards,
Alice Smith
Chair, IEEE CIS Awards Committee