SYWL Virtual Congress 2020
The premier IEEE Region 10 Student, Young Professionals, Women-in-Engineering and Life Member Congress 2020 (R10 SYWL Congress’2020) was held from 19th September to 4th October 2020. This time due to COVID-19 pandemic the R10 Flagship congress was held online. The theme for the Virtual R10 SYWL Congress’2020 was: “Pandemic to Opportunity – Collaborative Leadership Towards Technology Advancement for Humanity”. The Virtual R10 SYWL Congress included tracks for students, young professionals, WIE and Life members besides keynote speakers at the joint opening and closing sessions.
Following volunteers were nominated from IEEE Bombay Section for this flagship Congress.
- Dr. Sarika Chouhan, Chairperson, IEEE Bombay Section SAC
- Anjali Mishra, Section Student Representative, IEEE Bombay Section
- Pooja Verma
- Khush Gandhi
- Tushar Dua
Student Activities & WIE Coordination Contest
Supported by IEEE Region 10 and Life Member Funding for Student Activities
The IEEE Region 10 and Life Member Funding for Student Activities organized a contest to showcase the best practices and activities organized to improve membership retention and development.
The theme of the contest was “Engage and Educate”. The Student Activities Committee of IEEE Bombay Section participated in this contest with great enthusiasm in the category ‘Section Student Activities Committee’. For the first phase of the competition, the SAC team submitted a vibrant poster showcasing events like IEEE Day, Nagpur SubSection Congress, Brainwave Robotics Workshop along with membership retention and development activities like Chatpad Sessions, Phoenix 1.0 and Chairperson Meet, 2020.
The poster submitted by IEEE Bombay Section made its way to phase 2 on 30th September,2020. The phase 2 consisted of Poster and Video Presentation along with live Q&A Session. The video presentation was made by Miss. Anjali Mishra, who is the Section Student Representative of IEEE Bombay Section. She superlatively highlighted all the best practices of SAC within a short span of 3 mins as well as effectively tackled all questions from judges during Q&A round.
IEEE Bombay Section Student Activities Committee was declared as Runner Up of the Student Activities and WIE Coordination contest in the closing ceremony of IEEE Region 10 Student, Young Professionals , Women-in-engineering and Life member Congress 2020, which was held on 4th October, 2020.
Networking Session for Student Track
The SYWL Virtual Congress 2020 consisted of various Networking sessions for Student Track Delegates over a span of 2 weeks. There were total 7 networking sessions which consisted of various games and activities like quizzes, Case study and team building activities. The networking activities were aimed to enhance professional networking among delegates which would strengthen their knowledge of best practices/events of other Sections as well as Student Branches.
IEEE Bombay Section Student Activities Committee takes great pride in announcing that two Student volunteers of IEEE Bombay Section, Miss Pooja Verma and Mr. Tushar Dua won prizes for ‘Networking Sessions Proactive Participation’.
Student experiences on Networking Sessions:
Pooja Verma: Pooja is at present serving as Chairperson of IEEE Student Branch at BIT, Durg and is also on active Volunteer in SAC, IEEE Bombay Section “I personally found all Networking activities very thoughtfully crated and engaging. The SYWL Virtual Congress, 2020 has not only enriched my knowledge about IEEE and its advantages but has also helped me in my personal growth. The interactive activities like ‘The Spinning Wheel’ , ‘Best out of Waste Challenge’ as well as ‘Spinning Wheel Quiz’ proved to be a major stress buster for me, at the same time it also helped me in expanding my professional network throughout R10. I would like to sincerely thank IEEE Bombay Section for providing me with this opportunity.
Tushar Dua: Tushar Dua is the Section Student Representative of IEEE Nagpur SubSection and is also an active volunteer of SAC as a part of Industry Relations team at IEEE Bombay Section.“The experience of Networking with different volunteers spread across Region 10 was both exhilarating and enlightening. All the sessions were organized in a very engaging and effective manner. ‘Spin the wheel’ was my favourite activity among all as it pervaded a sense of affinity within all participants.”