Language: English

India Council Awards 2019

Dear Members,

The India Council Awards are administered by IC Awards Committee.

In order to recognise the dedicated efforts of IEEE Volunteers IEEE India Council will give the following awards in the year 2019. 

  1. Outstanding Volunteer Award
    1. IEEE Volunteer (Age greater than 35) 
    2. IEEE Volunteer (Age equal to and below than 35) 
    3. Outstanding Student 
    4. Outstanding WIE Student 
    5. Outstanding YP
  1. Outstanding Student Branch Award
             a. Outstanding Student Branch 
             b.  Outstanding Upcoming   Branch 
3. India Council Outstanding Industry Award 

a.     IEEE IC Technologist of the Year 2019

b.     IEEE IC Women technologist of the Year 2019

c.     IEEE IC Technology Start Up of the Year 2019

4.  India Council Leadership Awards
a.     India Council Lifetime Achievement Awards for IC Chairs 
b.     India Council Leadership Awards for Section/Subsection Chairs 

1. Outstanding Volunteer Awards

o   The primary criteria for selection are the enthusiastic support of the volunteer to the section/chapter activities by him or her in last two calendar years i.e. 2018 and 2019 till the time of application which shall carry 75% weightage 

o   Contribution prior to 1st Jan 2018 shall carry 25% weightage

o   Winner will be those who, through have done volunteering at the section/chapter/IC level at various forums like conferences, seminars, symposiums, technical talks etc organised by the branch, subsection, section and Membership development.

o   Biography of Volunteer emphasizing his or her IEEE related activities for the year

o   Nominations are to be sent through preferably Branch Counsellor/Independently in case individual member but not essential  and it should reach to VC awards by 15th September 2019 (by uploading only)through the website listed at the end of this Notice. 

o   Winner shall be presented plaque during IEEE INDICON 2019 (NO TADA shall be provided by IC) 

o   The Jury Members of Awards, IC office bearer (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, VC Awards, VC SAC shall not be eligible to apply)

o   Those who are beneficiary shall not be eligible.



2. Student Branch Award

o   This award is to recognize the contributions made by the IEEE student branches in increasing the awareness of IEEE and the value addition the branch has brought in to the campus.

o   The award will be decided based on various factors like the current membership count, growth of members, number of seminars, symposiums, colloquiums conducted in the year, Papers published/presented in various forum by members, awards won by members, significant value addition in the campus 

o   All student branches with more than 20 active IEEE student members are eligible to submit the application

o   Branch should not be one amongst listed in doormat branch 

o   Those who got in Best Branch Award in last three years shall not be considered for awards (2018, 2017, 2016)

o   Nominations are to be sent duly endorsed by Student Branch and it should reach to VC awards by 15th September 2019 (by uploading only) 

o   Winner shall be presented plaque during IEEE INDICON 2019 (NO TADA shall be provided by IC) 


3. IEEE India Council Outstanding Industry Award 

a.     IEEE India Council – Technology Start up of the Year 2019: The objective of this award will be to recognize technology Startup organization with benefit to society in the field of electrical engineering, and related technical areas. The nominated Startup organization should have been registered in India, and must have been operational for a period of at least 2 years; and the technical innovations being cited should have been performed in India. 

b.     IEEE India Council – Woman Technologist of the Year 2019: The objective of this award will be to recognize technical excellence with benefit to society in the field of electrical engineering, and related technical areas. This award will recognize the outstanding individual contributions by women technologists in industry.

c.     IEEE India Council – Technologist of the Year 2019: The objective of this award will be to recognize technical excellence with benefit to society in the field of electrical engineering, and related technical areas. This award will recognize the outstanding individual contributions in industry.


Eligibility : 

o   All nominations must be filled and submitted online.

o   Its desirable but not essential that one of the founder should be IEEE member (student or above) for at least 2 years including current year however this is absolutely not essential 

o   The nominee should have been residing and working in India – at least – for the last 5 years.

o   The primary criteria for selection are the enthusiastic support of the volunteer to the section/Subsection/Council/Industry by him or her in last two calendar years i.e. 2018 and 2019 till application which shall carry 75% weightage 

o   Contribution prior to 1st Jan 2018 shall carry 25% weightage

o   In case of Industry awards if it is a team effort, the individual technical contribution of the nominee to the technical innovations needs to be clearly identified.

o   Nominations are to be sent to VC awards by 15th September 2019 (by uploading only) 

o   Winner shall be presented plaque during IEEE INDICON 2019 (NO TADA shall be provided by IC, However section can. 

o   Details of awards and link shall be available on IC Website 

o   The Jury Members of Awards, IC office bearer (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, VC Awards , shall not be eligible to apply)

o   In case of Industry awards NONIEEE member can also apply and are is not restricted as its multi disciplinary every where. 

o   Self nomination or nomination – both allowed


5.     India Council Leadership Awards

a.     India Council Lifetime Achievement Awards for IC Chairs 
b.     India Council Leadership Awards for Section/Subsection Chairs 

o   The primary criteria for selection are to motivate and recognise great efforts by IEEE volunteers at leadership positions to the Council /section/Subsection activities by him or her in last few years i.e. 2018 and prior 

o   Winner will be those who, through have done volunteering at the section/subsection /IC level specially brought major impact. 

o   Biography of Volunteer emphasizing his or her IEEE related activities for the year

o   Nominations are to be sent through Independently and it should reach to VC awards by 15th September 2019 (by uploading only)

o   Winner shall be presented plaque during IEEE INDICON 2019 (NO TADA shall be provided by IC) 

o   The Jury Members of Awards, IC office bearer (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, current IC Chair/ current Section Chairs /current subsection Chairs are not eligible to apply)

o   Those who are beneficiary shall not be eligible.


1. Call For Nominations                                            April  2019 

2.  Nomination Deadline                                             Sept 2019 

3.  Evaluation Period                                                    Oct/Nov 2019 

4.  Recipient Notified:                                                End Nov 

Website for applying :  please follow the link

Preeti Bajaj      

Vice Chair Awards –IEEE India Council 2019