- It should be WordPress based Theme
- Design should have minimum of 3 Pages:
- Home Page
- Mobile Home Page
- Activity Page
- You can use any number Plugins provided they are free to use.
- The major criterion will be Aesthetics and Ease of updation.
- The Home Page should have space for latest events & Photographs etc
- For references about the contents, you can visit following sites
The last date to get yourself registered in 15th of January 2016 22nd January 2015. The registration can be done here.
Get your design to us before the 29th of February, 2016
The best design will receive a Certificate and Cash Prize of Rs. 10,000/- along with the opportunity to be co-webmaster for IEEE Bombay Section since the best design will be IEEE Bombay Section’s Webpage. The second best design will receive a Certificate and Cash Prize of Rs. 5,000/- along with the oppurtunity to be co-webmaster for IBSS2016.
For any queries, please write us at webdesign@ieee-bombay.local
Kindly, make sure you go through the IEEE Visual Guidelines for Master Branding. The document can be accessed from https://www.ieee.org/documents/ieee_visual_guidelines.pdf The Bombay Section logos and other information will be shared to all the registered.