Dear all,
We are pleased to announce that the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) Student Branch Chapter at IIT Indore, in collaboration with IEEE GRSS MP Section, is organizing a Tech Talk by Dr. Sanmoy Bandyopadhyay, Senior Project Associate at Aditya L1 Support Cell, ARIES on 19 March 2024.
The details are as follows:
Title of talk: Unraveling Solar Fuzziness: Harnessing AI and ML Techniques for
Big Solar Image Data Analysis
Speaker: Dr. Sanmoy Bandyopadhyay, Aries
Venue: POD 1D-105
Time and Date: 4:00-05:00 PM, 19 March 2024
The talk will be conducted in hybrid mode. If you wish to attend the event online, please use the following link to access the meeting details:
[Online meeting details](
All are cordially invited to join us for this informative lecture.
In case of any query, please reach out to us at
Speaker(s): Dr. Sanmoy
Room: 105, Bldg: POD 1D, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, 453532, Virtual: