Arduino is a single-board microcontroller to make using electronics in multidisciplinary projects more accessible. The hardware consists of an open-source hardware board designed around an 8-bit Atmel AVR microcontroller, or a 32-bit Atmel ARM. The software consists of a standard programming language compiler and a boot loader that executes on the microcontroller.
Its very easy to understand and program and is ideal for students. I would expect to do practical lecture where we will connect the circuit with breadboard and write program on arduino in the lecture itself. All the required sensors and boards and power supply I will arrange myself.
Target audience for this course would be students of final year who can think on the line of embedded project for their final year project. As well as people who want to implement the system for their personal use.
Speaker – Sachin Khaire:
I have done my work on embedded system during my diploma where we started to build machine control applications for the Printing press machines which includes cutting machines and stamping machines. Where I got first introduced with the embedded systems based on 89c52 and 89c51. Then I spend some time in robotics project during my engineering. I did my BE in IT from Thadomal shahani college of Engg. Then I moved to Italy for MS. I worked for Real Time systems LAB (RETIS). Here I worked on details about RTOS. We did have our custom implementation of RTOS named ERIKA which is deployed on the all Ferrari and FIAT cars. Well at that time all these automotive companies use to have ECUs from the Magnetti Marrelli. During MS I worked very closely with some of the best professors for the RTOS conformances to hard real time. Then I moved back to India and started working on machine control applications for ATM machines. Well this is not the compact embedded applications rather it is controlling the ATM machines through PC. Then I started workining in NOEMA INC which is all about the natural language understanding. Here I worked for building some libraries for NOKIA to make their contexual word predication(first in the world at that time) based on GAME theory. In 2007 I moved to Netherlands to work with Philips spin off which is specially created for the laser dicing applications for silicon wafers. These are superb machines which costs range from 1mn to 10mn euros and using some of world class technology integration from chemical, optical, mechanical and computer world. I worked their to improve their software architecture of the overall system.
From 2009 onwards I am working for Xalted for high performance computing on big data platforms.
Jivajireao Hall, 1st Floor, Above Maratha Mandir Theater, Mumbai Central.
Timing : 2 PM to 4 PM
Date : 28 Sep 2013