The advent of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have resulted in a paradigm shift in the way embedded systems are designed. The concept of System on a chip has been made possible due to the functionality that can now be programmed into these ICs. This talk would present the history of FPGAs starting from their birth up-to today. Their advantages over conventional digital systems would be discussed. Various architectures of FPGAs would also be presented. Finally, the talk would explain various design issues related to indigenously developed FPGA systems.
Short Biography of the speaker:
Jaydeep Gore (B.E.(distinction), M.Tech(IIT, Bombay)) joined the Nuclear Physics Division from the 40th batch of the training school in 1997. He was involved in the magnet testing program at the Large Hadron Collider prior to its commissioning. He has been involved now for more than 16 years in Particle Accelerator Based instrumentation with a special interest in data acquisition systems for Accelerators and Nuclear Physics experiments.
Venue: Main Lecture Theatre (AG-66), TIFR, Navy Nagar, Colaba, Mumbai
Day & Date: Saturday, August 9, 2014
Time: 2-4pm
How to reach:
Local train to Churchgate or CST (VT) Station
(a) Taxi to TIFR, landmark is Navy Nagar Bus stop
(b) Buses – 3, 11, 125 from CST (VT) Station or 137 from Churchgate Station.
Route Map : Google Map