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The IEEE Bombay Section, successfully organised a two-day event – “Conference on Internal Security- Technologies to Pre-empt and Protect” and “Workshop on SCADA Security” in Mumbai on 18th and 19th of October, 2013. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) was a silver partner and Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry was a knowledge partner.
The event was well attended by serving and retired officers from the security agencies as well as business leaders and managers from various industries.
A scene-setting keynote was delivered by Mr. Rajesh Agarwal, IAS, ACS-IT, Government of Maharashtra. He not only outlined key technology initiatives of the government to prevent crime and terrorism but also talked about the trade-off between security measures and privacy of the citizen. This was followed by a talk on Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure by Dr. Zia Saquib, ED, CDAC. The talk covered security in an area that is given scant attention- SCADA, although it plays a critical role in power, water and sewage management, among others. There was a lively panel discussion, deftly moderated by Mr. Govindraj Ethiraj. The panel deliberated on pre-emption of crime, India being a test-bed for terrorism, the lack of security awareness, mind-set issues versus policy weakness etc. The discussions concluded with the panel eventually agreeing upon the urgent need for security audit and risk analysis being mandated across all establishments. An interesting talk on pro-active technology solutions to pre-empt crime was given by Mr. Mohit of Xalted. Col (Retd.) Deepankar Chaudhary of Mahindra SSG talked on the means of securing actionable inputs for effective pre-emption of security threats. Covering security from the fire hazard perspective, Dr. Prateep Roy of TCE explained the need to have proper analysis to prevent loss of life and property. Finally Mr. Ashit Padhya, CEO, OM Solutions presented some preventative techniques for physical security.
The SCADA security workshop commenced with a discussion of security standards by Mr. Deven Patel of TCS. Dr. Romulus Valsalam, CDAC enlightened the gathering about Cyber-security solutions for industrial control systems in the Power and Energy sector. Dr. Dhiren Patel elaborated on the imperatives for Identity and access management in SCADA environments. Malware analysis in SCADA systems were covered very lucidly by Mr. Bindhumadhava, CDAC. Finally, a key management solution for SCADA systems was described by Dr. Zia Saquib, CDAC, followed by a lab demo of the solution.
Over the two days, the participants benefitted from the discussions on policy, mind-set and technology aspects of security and also on various security aspects in a SCADA environment. The conference successfully covered the need for focus on pre-emption to build a more secure society.
Presentation/Proceedings of the Internal Security: Technologies to Pre-empt and Protect – 18th October 2013.
- Agenda – Download
- Introduction – Mr. Ashok Jagatia, Chair, IEEE Bombay Section – Download
- Keynote Address – Mr. Rajesh Agarwal, Secretary IT,Govt of Maharashtra –
- Session – Dr. Zia Saquib, Executive Director, CDAC Mumbai – Download
- Session – Xalted Corp – Download
- Session – Col. (Retd.) Deepankar Chaudhary, Bombay chambers of Commerce & Industry – Download
- Session – Dr. Prateep Roy, Senior General Manager, Tata Consulting Engineers – Download
- Session – Mr. Ashit Padhya, CEO OM Group of Companies – Download
- Valedictory Address – Mr. Aiyappan Pillai, Technical Activity Chair, IEEE Bombay Section