In all, 90 nominations were received as per the breakup shown below:
1. Students – 77 (Complete – 5, Late, but complete – 7, Incomplete – 65)
2. YP – 6 (Complete – 5, Not Eligible – 1)
3. WIE – 6 (Complete – 5, Not Eligible – 1)
The ONLY criterion for selection was active volunteering in the IEEE Activities. The activities such as only participation or activities outside IEEE Bombay Section’s Entities were not considered while seeding.
IEEE Bombay Section congratulates the following students chosen from the applicants in Student Category who will be representing the IEEE Bombay Section at R10 Student Congress 2015, Colombo.
1. Gandhar Milind Suryavanshi (College = Shah & Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College)
2. Sarvesh Ramakant Pimpalkar (College = Datta Meghe College of Engineering)
Both these students will get the sponsorship for Travelling to and fro Colombo, $200 Registration fees & VISA fees.
No applicants were nominated from the WIE and YP category.