This is the very first SIGHT in person meet-up. It is being organized as a Membership development and awareness program. It is being organized in GHRCE, Nagpur subsection. The session would be conducted by IEEE SIGHT executive committee. All the points given in track details will be covred . It will be followed by a small networking activity and Q/A round. Snacks will be served after that.
Co-sponsored by: IEEE Bombay Section
Speaker(s): Mr. Nitin Mane,
– Awareness about IEEE SIGHT and its Initiatives
– To brief the delegates regarding the drafting of proposals for humanitarian projects
– To notify the participants about the numerous funding opportunities availed by IEEE SIGHT.
– Encouraging Collaboration with NGOs
– Recognizing the humanitarian work & projects done by IEEE SIGHT members
– Finance and Resource Management in humanitarian Projects
– To promote the distinct volunteering opportunities available in the domain of Humanitarian Technology
– Emphasizing on the career scopes in the spectrum of Humanitarian Technologies
G. H. RaisoniCollege of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India