Language: English
Computational Nanophotonics: Basics, Challenges and Future Perspectives


Nanophotonics modelling for 21st century applications is becoming essential for the fundamental understanding of active and
passive photonic devices. This computational modeling provides elementary concepts of the relying physics behind the
operation of photonic devices. However, computational modeling is still a challenge as some of the existing modeling
techniques fail to capture the correct behavior of nano-photonic devices. In this regard, the proposed talk will introduce an
overview of the existing computational modeling tools for analyzing photonic devices and highlight their salient features and
shortcomings. It is well known that “plasmonics” plays a vital role in localizing optical fields beyond the diffraction limit, hence
crucial features in optical devices. This talk will also focus on plasmonics modeling issues and the failure of the classical
electromagnetic solvers to accurately characterize the nano-plasmonic devices. Therefore, a new accurate, and stable beam
propagation method will be introduced for analyzing plasmonics phenomena in the classical regime, relying on the finite
elements method in the wide spectrum of radiation. Moreover, in merging quantum plasmonic devices, it becomes essential
to introduce “Quantum Corrected Model (QCM)” in order to accurately model these devices, and the basics of QCM will be
also discussed.

Brief Biography of Speaker

Prof. Salah S A Obayya is currently Chair Professor and Founding Director of Center for Photonics and Smart Materials (CPSM) and Vice Chairman of Zewail City of Science and Technology (ZC) and Director-General of Research Institutes at the same institution. Prior to ZC, he served as a tenured Associate Professor at Brunel University UK (2002), University of Leeds, UK (2006) and the University of South Wales, UK (2008) where he was the Founding Director of Photonics and Broadband Communications (PBC) Research Center and also he was the Director of Postgraduate Programs at the same institution. He is internationally recognized as a pioneer of computational research on modern nano-photonic devices. His “world-first” numerical software packages are widely accepted by both academic and industrial photonics communities to analyze, design and optimize the performance of various nano-photonic devices, and subsystems such as solar cells, optical telecoms, sensing, optical imaging, and encryption with a focus on intelligent enabling technologies. He has published 303 journal publications mostly in OSA, IEEE and IET/IEE and 275 conference papers in international conferences in photonics. He is the author of 3 books that are adopted for Graduate Programs in Photonics at international Universities like MIT-USA, Purdue University, IITs (India), NUS (Singapore), and ZC (Egypt). He has delivered many invited talks and keynote lectures in various international research forums including OSA, and IEEE sections. He has served the International Photonics Society as a Associate Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Journal of Optical and Quantum Electronics, Editorial Board member of Materials Theory Journal and Reviewer for many international Photonics Journals like IEEE J. Light. Technol., Photonics J., J. Quantum Electron., Opt. Express, Opt. Lett. and many others. Also, he contributed as the technical expert in the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering UK, National Academy of Arts and Sciences, Holland, Science and Technology Development Fund, Egypt, National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA), Egypt.

Contact Details

Secretary, Dr. Shyamal Mondal, Defence Institute Of Advanced Technology (DIAT), Pune


Chair, Dr. Roshan Makkar, Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research (SAMEER)


Publicity and promotion, Dr Nikhil Deep Gupta, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur


Member, Sonatan Das (Web-Master)
