The nominations for R10 Awards 2015 are now open for the awards listed below. Detailed information about the eligibility, nomination conditions & procedures and entry forms can be downloaded by clicking the award’s name below or by visiting the R10 website at:
The IEEE Region 10 Awards and Recognition program is designed to promote, recognize, and reward excellence in promoting the interests of IEEE in the Geographic Unit (GU) activities (Councils, Sections, Chapters, Affinity Groups, Student Branches, and Student Branch Chapters). Nominating deserving candidates from your GU for R10 awards is a great way to acknowledge their excellent performance and contributions. Please pay special attention to the relevance of candidate’s work to the award and try to provide solid evidences to improve your candidate’s chances to win these awards. To draw your attention to some of the shortfalls of nominations a simple guide written by Alfred U. Mac Rae is attached. It is written for EAB awards but equally applies to all IEEE awards.
Please note the deadline to receive the nominations is 31 July 2015.
The 2015 R10 awards open for nominations are:
IEEE Region 10 Outstanding Volunteer Award
IEEE Region 10 recognizes and values the important role of members as volunteers to promote the IEEE objectives in the region. It is the sustained hard work of the volunteers that makes a Section vibrant and beneficial to its members and attracts new members. The R10 Outstanding Volunteer Award aims to recognize those volunteers who have made outstanding contributions to a particular Region 10 Section.
Point of Contact: R10 ARC, Zia Ahmed (
IEEE Region 10 Awards for Humanitarian Technology Activity (HTA)
R10 Humanitarian Technology Activities aims to inspire scientists and engineers to become socially responsible and be engaged in developing technological solutions to improve living conditions and livelihood of people thus making a difference in peoples’ lives in a cost effective and sustainable manner. To achieve the goals of HTA mission, R10 has established an Outstanding Individual Award for humanitarian technology activities.
This award is to recognize the Sections who have done outstanding work in identifying social issues and made efforts to solve those issues through the use of technology or any other means. The objective of instituting this award is to motivate Sections to promote humanitarian technologies and in helping the OUs to plan and implement technologies that might uplift the society.
Point of Contact: R10 HTA Coordinator, Rajnish Gupta (
IEEE Region 10 Women in Engineering (WIE) Awards
R10 WIE Student / Professional Volunteer Award has been established to recognize individuals who have exhibited exemplary and substantive leadership of an extraordinary nature in implementing activities which support the visions of IEEE WIE and R10 WIE, at the local, regional, national, and/or international level.
R10 WIE strongly encourages activities conducted by WIE Affinity Groups (AGs) and supports excellent activities with financial contributions. R10 WIE has instituted both the IEEE R10 WIE Section Affinity Group of the Year Award and the IEEE R10 WIE Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Award to recognize distinguished WIE Section Affinity Group and WIE Student Branch Affinity Group respectively in R10.
Point of Contact: R10 WIE Coordinator, Supavadee Aramvith (
IEEE Region 10 Young Professional Awards
R10 places very high priority to assist young professionals in their early career by creating opportunities to network, refine and plan their career goals, and learn soft skills to boost their chance for success. R10 recognizes the vital role volunteers play in realization of these objectives and has launched the Young Professionals Volunteer awards to recognize the efforts and achievements of those individuals who have made substantial contribution to IEEE and YP AGs. The award will be conferred upon three young professionals; one from academia, one from industry and one from student members.
This award aims to recognize the achievements and activities of the two best outstanding Young Professionals Affinity groups (YP AG) in Region 10; one for Section YP AG and the other for Student Branch YP AG. This recognition is expected to motivate the winners to do even better and serve as examples for others to follow.
Point of Contact: R10 YP Coordinator, Ranjit R Nair (
Please note that this Call for Nominations (CFN) does not include the awards for the R10 Education Activities (EA) and Student Activities. The CFN for R10 EA awards was issued earlier in the year and is now closed. The CFN for all the Students awards will be issued later. We are working to include these awards in a consolidated CFN from 2016.
Information provided by the nominators for IEEE R10 Awards may be used for promotional and/or publicity purposes on IEEE websites, Facebook, Twitter and other social media, printed material and press releases etc. By submitting a nomination, nominators agree for the release of submitted information and the photographs of Awards Ceremony for these purposes.