Language: English

Call for Proposals – IEEE HAC/SIGHT Projects Focused on COVID-19 Response

Dear All,

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world in an unprecedented manner, and as such, HAC/SIGHT (Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology) are offering a Call for Proposals to support IEEE member grassroots humanitarian technology and sustainable development projects that utilize technology to address the COVID-19 situation.

As the pandemic has not only affected health, but also exacerbated poverty and laid bare systemic inequality throughout the world, HAC/SIGHT are prioritizing immediate impact, poverty mitigation and inequality reduction through the following project areas:

·         Food Security

·         Infection Control Devices

·         Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

·         Medical Devices

·         Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

·         Sustainable Power Sources

·         Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

·         Other pandemic-related topics

All applicants should take the Message from IEEE on coronavirus COVID-19 into consideration when preparing their proposal, particularly “We request that all members avoid conducting in-person activities in areas impacted by the coronavirus threat and instead maximize the use of our online and virtual alternatives.”

Deadline: 01 March 2021

Call for Proposals

·         NOTE: Applicants are strongly encouraged to take the free HAC/SIGHT online training course Project Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation on the IEEE Learning Network prior to developing your submission.

·         A live Q&A was held to address common pitfalls in completing the new Project Assessment Matrix. The recording is available here.

How to Apply


Email us at

For more information, kindly refer to:


Best Regards,


Ewell Tan (Ms.), CPM (IAPM)

Project Manager

IEEE Asia-Pacific Limited

1, Fusionopolis Walk,

#04-07, South Tower,

Solaris, Singapore, 138628

Tel: (65) 3125 2099

IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity