Language: English

Malhar Deshkar from Bombay Section in the final round for the R10 HTA Highlights Video Contest

IEEE Region 10 HTA Highlights Video Contest 2021 announcement of results. 

This year, R10 HTA Committee received 12 submissions across 6 sections for this contest and the top three listed videos are selected as the winners. 

RankVideo TitleDesignerSection
Smart Classroom Among the Woods
Abba MathewsKerala Section
Advanced Touchless Sanitizer Dispenser
Malhar DeshkarBombay Section
Portable Intelligent COVID-19 Prevention Screener
Mohd Fitri Mohd Yakub Yakub
Kuala Lumpur Subsection

Thanks to everyone for your VALUABLE contributions. The R10 HTA Committee are delighted to encourage SIGHT members to showcase the good quality of their designed projects at regional level and also to improve the SIGHT members’ project design and presentation skills to a wider online viewing community.

Please check out the videos and more details at R10 HTA website:

Congratulations again!

Best regards,

Dr. Jing Dong

IEEE R10 HTA Committee Chair