Language: English

IEEE group medical insurance last date 27th April

Dear IEEE Member, This is a golden opportunity to avail the IEEE Group Medical Insurance policy 2019, a significant value add to the IEEE membership in India.  Interested members can enroll on or before 27th Apr 2019.  There is no health check-up required to...

IEEE Group Medical Insurance Program 2019

Dear IEEE Members,  Thank you for your patronage on IEEE group medical insurance plan. The premium and terms for 2019-2020 are negotiated and finalized between IEEE volunteer leaders and NICL. Please see the attached terms and premiums for 2019-2020. IEEE HQ is...


The 2019 IEEE Region 10 Education Activities (R10 EA) Challenge has been approved in the recent R10 Meeting at Melbourne. Members are invited to submit proposals to organise educational programs/activities in R10 to focus on:-  1) Pre-University Education...