Language: English

Announcing the IEEE Bombay Section – Volunteers, Committee and Affinity Group Awards 2022

Established: In 2021 as Meritorious Achievement Award

Description: To recognize especially meritorious contribution in the area of education like continuing education/accreditation/informal education/innovation in education by IEEE Bombay Section Members at the time application.

Administration: Administered by IEEE Bombay Section Awards Committee

Eligibility: Active IEEE Membership for at least two years from the year of announcement of the award

Nominee Solicitation: IEEE Bombay Section will call for Nominations from all the Eligible members in April/May and the last date of submission will be 31st May.

Prize: Plaque (Eight Awards as listed below)

Selection / Declaration: IEEE Bombay Section will declare the winner by 31st June

Basis for Judging: Significant Contribution in

  • Improving the vitality of an IEEE Student Branch with regard to activities specific to the committee/affinity group, membership, or finances.
  • Effective interaction of the Branch with the local Section or Region, or IEEE technical societies, e.g., seminars, conferences;
  • Community involvement that benefits the school and/or the community, the image of the IEEE, and the image of engineering in general. 

Committee: One Committee Chair, Awards Committee Chair and One Execom Member

Presentation: Award will be presented at Section’s Major Event, preferably, during AGM

Frequency: Annually. Award will not be given if candidate is not found eligible by the committee.

Publicity: The award and recipients’ names will be posted on the IEEE Bombay Section’s website.


Sr. No.Name of the AwardBasis for Judging
1Best Student Branch Current membership count, growth of members, Number of seminars, symposiums, colloquiums conducted in the year, Papers published/presented in various forum by members, awards won by members
2 Best Student Branch CounselorMeritorious contribution by the counsellors through their work as Counsellors and Advisors to the educational, personal, professional, and technical development of students in IEEE related fields of interest. 
3 Best Student Volunteer  Meritorious Achievements in Volunteering, Membership, Active Participation in Section Events
4WIE Volunteer of the YearMeritorious Achievements in Volunteering, Contribution for the visions of WIE, Impact of activities over the society, Novelty of the approach, Outreach & societal Impact, Efforts in Improving WIE professional membership
5Young Professional of the YearProfessional and Collaborative activities conducted, Efforts taken to expand the sectional/regional/global network of IEEE Young Professionals, Efforts taken for Student to Young Professional member elevation  
6Best Student Volunteer of Chapter/Society of the SectionMeritorious Achievements in Volunteering for any society/chapter activities, Membership, Active Participation in Section Events
7Best Student Chapter/Society of the SectionSubmission of Annual Report to section, Participation and Contribution in section events, Relevance of Activities conducted with goals of IEEE
8.Best Student Volunteer of Standing Committee of the SectionMeritorious Achievements in Volunteering for any society/chapter activities, Membership, Active Participation in Section Events

Instructions for Filling Nominations:

  1. Please fill up nomination form if you are an active member only.
  2. All fields in the form should be filled carefully with proper dates and details
  3. Endorsement requirements must be fulfilled.
  4. Nominees need to make a single pdf file consisting of endorsements and other documents if any, and then upload the pdf on the portal itself.


  1. In addition to the nominator, two current IEEE members (Excluding Student Members) must endorse this nomination. 
  2. Please supply the names and IEEE membership numbers of the endorsers. 
  3. For any student related award Branch Counselor should be one of Endorser. 
  4. For best student volunteer award one endorsement should be from the Chapter Chair and other should be from Branch Counselor.
  5. One Branch counselor should not endorse more than One Student per branch. 
  6. For branch counselor award one endorsement should be from the Head of Institution.
  7. In case more than One endorsement received from the Branch Counselor for Single Award, all those entries will be disqualified.
  8. A letter of endorsement from each of the named endorsers must be submitted along with this nomination, or Endorsers may separately send their Endorsement via e-mail to