Language: English

Ali Mustufa Shaikh of A. P. Shah Institute of Technology won the 2020 MGA Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Volunteer Award

Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Volunteer Award (2020)

The purpose of this award is to recognise, annually, in each Region of the IEEE, the Student member most responsible for an extraordinary accomplishment associated with Student Activities. The value of a Student member who shows a pattern of dedication and ongoing service to a Student Branch/Student Branch Chapter is certainly recognised. The award is designed to reward a particular event, program, or product of IEEE Student Activities. It is sponsored by the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board.

Congratulations to all the winners of Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Volunteer Award (2020)

R10 – Ali Mustufa Shaikh
A. P. Shah Institute of Technology [STB11467]
Bombay Section

Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Volunteer Award consists of a customised award plaque, a digital certificate, and three years of complimentary membership in IEEE.

For more information about the Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Volunteer Award, Please visit:…/

Note: Any Honourable Mention(s) for Larry K Wilson Student Volunteer Award provided by region(s) will be announced directly by the Regional Student Activities Committee.

Special thanks to all our Regional Student Activities Committee & Regional Judges for offering their valuable time in helping us arrive at the final results!

  • IEEE Student Awards Committee 2020