1. Project Proposals
We are inviting Project Proposals from young people (between ages of 16 and 35 years) of projects oriented around humanitarian issues. These proposals can be their curriculum projects or other projects developed out of passion. If their proposals are short-listed they will receive up to US$500 to complete their project. The completed project will be assessed again and if selected the project team will be invited to present their work in IEEE Humanitarian Technology Conference. In addition, they will also be given cash prize.
Extended deadline for submission of project proposal is 21st June 2015.
2. Jury members:
We are inviting passionate volunteers (generally above age of 35 years), who will be required to evaluate the submitted project proposals on a pre-set criteria in a time bound manner. Short-listed Jury members will get a certificate of appreciation from IEEE R10 after the successful completion of the competition.
Extended deadline for registration to become jury member is 1st June, 2015
3. Mentors:
We are inviting experienced and eminent volunteers (generally above age of 35 years), who will be required to mentor project teams based on their (mentors) field of interest during the course of the project which will last for about 3 months. Short listed Mentors will get a certificate of appreciation from IEEE R10 after successful completion of the competition.
Extended deadline for registration to become a mentor is 1st June, 2015.
4. Sponsors
We are inviting IEEE Geo Units, NGO, Industry, Organisation, Professional/Research/ Academic Institution across Regions 6 to 10 to come forward to extend financial or technical support to run the competition. The sponsors would get a certificate of appreciation from IEEE R10, besides getting an advertisement space in the AIYEHUM announcements/website/IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conferences scheduled in December 2015 at Cebu, Philippines.
For more details please visit our Website: https://bit.ly/aiyehum2015 or Flyer