Language: English

CFP for Individual Benefits & Services (IBS) Proposals

Dear R10 Section Chairs, Council Chairs and Section MD Chairs,

IEEE R10 MD Committee invites sections and councils to submit the proposals for the individual benefits/services for R10 members


•          To enhance and raise the IEEE membership.

•          Encourage the members to retain their membership.

•          To motivate the engineering and technology professionals to join the IEEE community.

Evaluation Criteria:

•          The Benefits are in line with IEEE Membership categories

•          Alignment with IEEE goals

•          The cost of the benefits/services are economical and sustainable

•          The value of the benefits/services are comparable with IEEE membership fees

•          The budget allocated for the benefits/services must be approved from the local OU executive committee. 

The best 5 proposals from sections/councils will receive the following cash prizes as token of appreciation for their proposals.

USD 700, USD 500, USD 350, USD 250, and USD 200 for the best five Sections for their IBS proposal which results in tangible benefits for the local members.

Terms and Conditions

1. The proposal shall contain the following information:

•          Executive Summary of the program (maximum 300 words)

•          How will your projects highlight IEEE membership benefits in your Section/Council?

•          How will the existing members be benefited through your proposal? (answer must include all membership grades)

•          How will your proposal impact both academia and industry to recruit new members in different membership grades?

•          How will you measure the success of your proposal in promoting IBS in your Section/Council?

•          Please include a justified budget for the successful completion of your projects (Final implemented plans). Mention the other sources, if any.

2. Proposal must be endorsed by Section Membership Development Coordinator (MD) and the OU chair. In case there is no MD Coordinator in the Section, R10 MD Committee strongly encourages Section or OU to set up this position.

3. The Section or OU endorser information need to be included together with the proposal.

NOTE: Winning prize are only for the best proposals, not for the IBS plan. Every OU has to kept the budget separately from their annual budget plan. 

The Call for Proposal for R10 Individual Benefits & Services (IBS) has been extended to 10 August 2020.

The proposal shall be submitted to Prof. Parkash Lohana at: (cc.


R10 MD Committee

Prof. Parkash Lohana

2019-2020 R10 Membership Development Committee Chair