PARTNER WITH US Be our Sponsor or Partner

TENSYMP 2022 being a flagship event of IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific), expects a large number of registered participants, Industry and academic institute participations from across the world, with a variety of paper presentation, poster sessions, industry exhibits, experts talk, tutorials by eminent speakers and exhibition corners. We strongly believe that an effective industry-academia engagement is essential for technical excellence and innovations in the society. So, we invite various academic institutes, industries to come forward to present their recent R&D activities in TENSYMP 2022. We also invite industries/institutes across the world to actively participate in escalating their brand visibility, awareness and reach out to the targeted customers and get benefitted from the amalgamation  of promotion and marketing campaigns offered in this event to make them a premier source for product solutions and technical consultations.

Industries/ institutes willing to serve as Partner are expected to contribute for making arrangements related to food, goodies, travel, hospitality, event promotion, radio, print media for this event.

Our Sponsors Sponsoring our Conference


GOLD 200

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Partnership Tiers



How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industrys dynamic

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How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industrys dynamic

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Industries/ Institutes may opt to serve as either a Sponsor or Partner

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